Napokon je doslo vrijeme da napisem blog post o SKINNY COFFEE CLUB dijetalnoj kafici.Rijec je o kafi koju pijete ujutro,popodne i navecer.Pored toga sto pijete kafu imate program za dijetu koji dobijete u paketu s kafom.Doslo je lijepo upakovano i tacno za onaj period za koji su rekli.Moja sestra ce isprobati ovu kaficu i pratiti program pa vam sve informacije javim,uzivajte❤!

Finally, it's time to write a blog post about SKINNY COFFEE CLUB diet cafe. It's about coffee that you drink in the morning, afternoon and evening. Besides drinking coffee, you have a program for the diet you get in a bundled package. It's been nicely packed and right for that time they told me. My sister will try out this cafe and follow the program so I'll give you all the information, enjoy it!❤
