My favorite products:
As far as facial care is concerned I am a person who prefers loved products for facial and body care, I like the products that give them some kind of glitter and these are the products for me.Balea's products are definitely produced they are at least the best.I will praise the face mask.When her face is over and the pudges are considerably lower.Labello is too good when it comes to autumn / winter I always use it because it hydrates my lips and is soft.These are my favorite care products , what are yours? Write the recommendations in the comments.♥️
with love,Ayla
Što se tiče njege lica ja sam osoba koja previse voli proizvode za odrzavanje lica i tijela urednima,volim proizvode koji im daju nekako sjaj a to su za mene ovi proizvodi.O nekim drugima pricam u iducim blog postovima.Vecinom su to Balea proizvodi i definitivno oni su meni barem najbolji.Najvise cu pohvaliti masku za lice.Nakon nje lice bude premekano i bubuljice se znatno smanje.Labello je predobro kada dodje jesen/zima uvijek ga koristim jer hidrira moje usne i budu mekane.Ovo su moji najdrazi proizvodi za njegu,koji su vasi?Preporuke pisite u komentaare♥️
sa ljubavlju,Ajla
sa ljubavlju,Ajla
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